Bandaids Don’t Help

I am frequently reminded that, when I allow others to see me as I truly am, those who are truly willing and capable of loving me (in spite of myself) will not falter in that emotion.

This does not require perfection, but it means connection as it is truly meant to be.

This weekend, I was able to test that theory, as my intended “relaxing retreat” gave way to dealing with feeling poorly, and a silly (and still mysterious) injury to my knee. Yet, I committed to allowing others to see the authentic me and living in whatever moments were given to me.

All in attendance–participants and staff alike–were instrumental in making it comfortable for me to be true to myself and experience all that life has given to me…Love, laughter, pain, healing, nurturing, and so much more.

I am so grateful to Harmony Hill Retreat Center for giving me a wonderful opportunity for growth.  And in light of this recent weekend retreat, I would like to dedicate to Harmony Hill something I wrote several years ago.

Bandaids Don’t Help

I love…you.

Not a version of you
That you think
I need you to be.

You are free
To be you
With me.


Are highly

Loosen them.
Your wounds.

Let me see.

You saw mine.
You did not
Turn away.

You will find
That you are
Not alone.

Show me…you.

(Original of  “Bandaids Don’t Help” was published on August 30, 2010, now on Yahoo! Voices.)